Sunday, March 01, 2015

Birthday fun

Tis the night before my birthday...  I came to bed at 6:30 and am wide awake at just about 11:15.  Hmmm...  It was a quiet, gentle day and I did some channeling this afternoon for a grieving friend.  She's in a better place and that feels fabulous... it always does...

We set up my studio for the Psychospiritual Development class scheduled to start next weekend.  It's been awhile since I taught channeling and I'm quite excited! This week I prep the notes and pull together all the materials for the students.  The connection with Spirit is fleeting if one doesn't work at it, like any good relationship worth having in life.  I know there are times I've let my relationship lag a bit, and then suddenly I'll notice that I feel adrift - even lost.  At other times I've been more in touch with people in spirit (and angels) than those in this dimension!  I need to keep a happy medium...  ha ha, a funny.  Happy medium.

Anyway I'm aware of something in the air - the earth - called the "quickening".  This was an old Spiritualist term for a vibrational boost we get when connecting to higher vibrating realms.  I also feel it when the energy starts to shift within the earth.  The trees are waking up. In the next couple of weeks the sap will be flowing and the snow banks dissipating into the ground.  The melt is supporting the water table.  I feel it, usually after Valentines, so it is a bit later starting this year.  Whenever it comes, I'll take it!  The winter is winding down and the beasts will be stirring towards nesting.  I love the birdsong and the early flowers.

I've wondered about this coming year - my 58th - and ask myself how to manifest "the new".  I know in my heart something is coming...  it has familiar elements, and yet is going to push my boundaries.  I welcome it and am grateful for the abundance in my life.  Bllessings and peace, friends.  I'll have some carrot cake and toast you all!

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